Hmm its very hard to think of what to say for the first entry, I suppose it depends on the sort of mood I'm in. Maybe I should introduce myself, but why give the game away straight away. I feel like one of those classical marble statues which are always portrayed in deep pensive thought. As a child I wondered what they were thinking about and why their noses or big toes were always missing and covered in bird droppings. No doubt I am not the only person to every quander these thoughts.
It must have been tough being a Greek philosopher or sage with people expecting your every utterance to be nuggets of wisdom. I' m sure Pythagoras him of the theorem fame, must have had some strange experiences going to the local market to buy dates. To most people this would have been but a simple transaction, but not for him since the market was arranged in the shape of an isocles triangle. No doubt this is how he came up with his famous formula the square on the hypotenus is equal to the sum of the square of the other two sides.
Poor old Aristotle he was killed by a soldier after he gave him a witty reply to a question. Aristotle was sitting in the bath like he always did pondering life and the soldier asked the great man if there was anything he could do for him. Arisitotle replied stop blocking the sun, the soldier was so enraged he killed him. I suppose if Aesop had been around at the same time, he would have composed a fable, such as never antagonise or try be to witty with a soldier bearing a sword.
Enough mutterings about Greek philosophers, I hear you say truly they must have been all mad to be so intelligent. Theres a fine line between genius and insanity and most of them must have traversed it, like Caesar crossing the Rubicon. Once you cross it you can never go back.
What I really want to ponder was the way adults all return to their childhood. This was very evident in Limerick yesterday after the heavy snowfall. This morning on the campus there were mounds of dirty snowballs strewn about the lawns. Just the remnants of snowmen built yesterday after the heavy fall. Small sticks protruded from these melting lumps which were once the arms. A child like innocence comes over you first thing in the morning when you see snow on ground. These melting lumps brought a smile to my face and probably lots of others who passed by them, triggering memories of making them as a child in days long gone bye.
So there you have that is my first entry for the blog, I wonder will anybody read, just have to wait and see. It won't alway be about Greek philosophers and snow, but whatever I feel like scribbling about.
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